Sunday, April 5, 2009

Who wrote the Bible? And what if the disciples made it all up?

The prophets, and the disciples wrote the Bible. Moses wrote the first 5 books, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy, which is also called as the Torah.

God didn't just say the words out loud, on what to write. But the words of the Bible were inspired by God.

But how do we know the disciples didn't just make the Bible up?

History records of the 12 ‘disciples’ of Jesus, every single one of them was killed because they believed Jesus is Lord and that he rose from the dead. There was one exception - the Apostle John was not killed for being a Christian. But he was sent into exile for the rest of his life because he was a Christian.

From this, it would seem unusual if the disciples made the story of Jesus up. Why would they all be prepared to die for a lie which they knew they had made up? Why not admit your lie rather than be killed?

And there are the "Dead Sea Scrolls", and they are parts of the Old Testament, which are dated way back early in the B.C times, so how could the disciples written the Bible when most of the scriptures were there before they were born. I could go on, and on about how the disciples couldn't of made it up.

God bless.


  1. **"every single one of them was killed because they believed Jesus is Lord and that he rose from the dead."**

    Absolutely untrue!

    **"Why not admit your lie rather than be killed?"**

    Do you think Muslims who blow themselves up are dying for a lie or dying for the truth?

    **"And there are the "Dead Sea Scrolls", and they are parts of the Old Testament, which are dated way back early in the B.C times"**

    Absolutely untrue! The Dead Sea Scrolls range in date from 150 BC to 70 AD. Contrast this with the Mesopotamian Epic of Gilgamesh (wherein we find one of the earliest flood myths, from which the Noah story was likely derived), which is dated around 700 BC.

    Furthermore, there is no evidence that any such person as Moses ever existed.

    There is no evidence that the disciples of the New Testament ever wrote anything (which exception to Paul, who never met Jesus but incidentally did all of his writing BEFORE the gospel accounts were written --- hmm....). The gospels were probably written at least a generation post-Jesus.

  2. You are assuming a lot of things.
    And how do you know that all the earliest flood myths and stories came from Noah's Ark?
    None of us can probably prove anything but I have my faith and I live by it. You probably think I am an idiot for reading something right away and believing in it. That's not what happened. No one reads something and believes it right away unless there is a reason. I have many reasons and experiences for me having my faith.
